Behavior Intervention Team

Behavioral Intervention Team

In the event of an emergency, reporters should contact 911 or the North Arkansas College Campus Police at 870-715-7553 if the person of concern poses an immediate threat to his/her self or others or if the individual experiences a medical emergency.

North Arkansas College is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for our students, faculty and staff. To accomplish that goal, the college has established the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT), which is charged with upholding policies and maintaining a safe environment for the college community.

Being a college student presents a host of challenges. Sometimes those challenges can result in a student needing help in difficult times. The BIT works with students who need assistance with issues ranging from behavioral problems to threats of self-harm or harm to others. The BIT provides confidential, respectful, proactive support; while offering resources and balancing the educational needs of students with the mission of ag娱乐官网.

The BIT reaches out to students who seem to be hurting or struggling, and to help maintain a safe campus by intervening when potential red flag behaviors are identified. Reporting the issues of concern can assist the BIT in connecting students with the appropriate resources.

Types of Behaviors to Report

  • Inappropriate outbursts
  • Repeated classroom disruption
  • Refusing to leave or cooperate
  • Destruction of property
  • Under the influence of substances
  • Aggressive, threatening or violent words/actions
  • Threats of violence
  • Expressions of anger or agitation
  • Hostility
  • Aggressive statements/threats through social media sites
  • Acts motivated by hatred or discrimination
  • Harassment or bullying
  • Stalking
  • Expressions of depression, hopelessness or harm
  • Bringing weapons to campus
  • Writings that convey clear intentions to harm self or others
  • Noticeable self-injurious behavior
  • Excessive class absenteeism
  • Paranoia
  • Worrisome changes in hygiene
  • Reports of abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault
  • Extreme changes in personality
  • Suicidal behaviors, including threats, gestures (giving away belongings), ideation and attempts

How to Report

Fill out the online Concern Form.
All reports must include the name and contact information of the person making the report. Your information will be confidential but is essential to the process.
BIT is not a crisis response team but acts in a proactive manner to assist identified students and acts to prevent violence on campus.
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